Friday, September 30, 2011

How to Make a Driveway

!±8± How to Make a Driveway

Building a driveway requires some knowledge of basic earth work including being able to establish elevations along the driveway's center line, drainage, site clearing, possible rock removal and placement and compaction of the driveway surface material. Making a small clearing to park a car may be nothing more removing a few saplings but building a new driveway to a home or building can be a major task.

In many areas a driveway permit is required from the jurisdiction that owns the main road. County Road, County permit, State Road, State permit and so on. An application must completed and submitted along with a drawing showing the proposed driveway location, entrance construction methods as well as a check for a performance bond to assure no damage is done to the municipal roadway while the driveway is being built. Once the driveway is completed, a highway inspector will check the new work and return the performance bond if no damage was incurred.

It is very common today to have a culvert pipe installed under the driveway to divert storm water under the driveway into a roadside drainage ditch rather than over the top of driveway thereby washing away the driveway materials and washing soils,gravel stone, etc. on to the main roadway. A pipe material designated as type HDPE (black plastic with corrugations) is the most commonly used pipe today. It has a long life span as it does not rust and is very strong as well. Buried only a few inches below well compacted earth or perhaps item 4 stone, the pipe will allow a tandem dump truck to easily pass over without crushing the pipe.

Once the driveway location is set, the drainage culvert is set in place with a slight downward tip to help water scour the inside of the pipe clear of debris with rain water washing. Driveways are usually at least ten feet wide but the beginning or "mouth" of the drive may be twice that. This allows for easier turning in and out of the driveway on an angle. Otherwise you would have to make a sharp right angle turn each time. Not an easy driving maneuver. Soils or stone being placed around and over the pipe must be installed in shallow layers. The use of a vibratory compactor is almost mandatory if the driveway is to be used right away. If a long time period will elapse (months or years) natural settlement of the material may suffice but is not recommended. Many municipalities require the first section of the driveway to be paved with asphalt. Twenty to Twenty-Five feet is common with the entire mouth of the drive included. This prevents car tires from spinning gravel and rocks on to the main roadway surface and if struck by other cars or a snow plow, can become airborne hazards.

With the entrance completed, the clearing and removal of trees or stumps, large rocks and other site items can begin. Being able to use a transit and rod to set final grade elevations for the center line of the driveway is a big help. A surveyor can of course set what are called grade stakes for you to follow as you construct your road bed. You see them often at road work sites with red or orange plastic tape hanging from them. That is how the road workers know where and how high to place the soils for the roadbed. House driveways commonly are constructed with a bulldozer and perhaps some type of backhoe or excavator. When special conditions arise such as rock outcrops that are in the way, dynamite or special rock hammers may be required. These are for the pros alone to handle.

Once the base of the driveway has been cleared it may require some drainage piping under the driveway to allow rain runoff to pass harmlessly under the driveway to a lower elevation. Mountain streams,brooks and wet weather run offs all have to be handled to prevent storm water runoff from destroying the driveway with each rainfall. Constructed properly in the correct locations, these drains will last for many, many years.

The last item is the driveway topping. Driveways are not usually asphalt paved within the first few years to allow the road bed to completely settle into place. The same of paver stones, concrete or other decorative surface materials. A six inch thick layer of a stone material known as DOT Item 4 placed on top of the bare earth and then compacted with a heavy duty roller will last for a good long time while providing a great driveway. Over time as the ground settles, small amounts of Item 4 may be added to maintain a level and smooth condition. Only once all settlement has stopped, and it is determined that all the drainage piping is working correctly, should a final driveway topping of your choice be applied.


Your Friendly Building Inspector

How to Make a Driveway

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

A lot of business models to choose from

!±8± A lot of business models to choose from


There are many activities and work patterns that you feel very overwhelmed very quickly! I think it's a self-employed model in the eyes of all, that is their business from scratch, buying an existing business or franchise, or distribution of a product that you think there is really something for everyone.

Traditional jobs

This is what most of us learned in school. Going to school, get good grades,go to college, get a job "for men", and retire in 30 or 40 years. This is the model that I personally like best. Let us examine in more detail, if you work for a company, even one that offered a point in time, job security, is still very risky. Do you have a boss, and if you do not see in the eyes and head, he or she can fire. There is a great company, and "safe", I realize that only work for the same handler for a clock periodof 2 years. Once the 2 years or so, you must move to another department and reports to another manager. Let's say you have a good run for the first 10 years that you have there. Now is the time for you to another department and reports to another manager to move. I can not get into it with these leaders, no matter how hard you try, and 1 month, get the documents issued on foot. How's that for job security?


This is typically a part-timeBusiness there because it's something you like, is a product or a service running that. At the time of writing, I'm with a family friend build me a new entertainment center. Woodworking is his hobby shop. I do not know how much he ($) does with this particular hobby, but it is something you would do or something. For a year I taught kickboxing in a karate school in Minneapolis. This is not just a business, but it's something that I liked to do and then I wasactually paid for it to work! My guess is that you have a hobby now that someone out there would you pay to do it for them. I realize, a young woman who enjoys scrapbooking, have offered their help a few people make an album (for free? I'm not sure), and the next thing he knows to be paid (a lot, I will add) to put together scrapbooks for people! By the way, at this point I think she has this little business full time hobby!

There are manyvarious types of franchise are, and in many different industries. Many people seem to believe that only fast-food franchises and cleaning franchise, but actually running the entire spectrum. I am close to buy several franchises have myself, but I always found that my personality, the series seemed to clash. I mean, I tend to demand systems, rather than go with them. Franchisor has determined that something in a work(Say marketing) looks certainly do not interest me and may want something different, that the franchisor must not try to disagree with. I am not a "kind by the book 'in person, I like to change things frequently, regularly take on new projects, and I do not mind a few mistakes along the way!
Two things I learned from a review of this franchise: 1) the franchisor simply do not believe that they do for the economy without buying a franchise from them. 2) Do not make a purchaseFranchising a business to have online service or the same sector.
There is nothing wrong with the review is a copy of the franchisor and the material model (the material that they know you, free of charge and not the material that is part of the franchise system and / or after signing a confidentiality agreement! The only way we are clear on this. I do not want angry letters from the franchisor!)

History of a franchise fast my experience: I was looking to purchase men's circuitEducation / kickboxing gym a few years ago. The parent company has shown a lot of their information to me only to ask. Once I get a chance to review it I realized that I already have everything they want, I had to sell (info marketing, equipment, martial arts instruction / video and power devices). The prices all out of me and came up with about $ 25k total. They were charging $ 50k for the franchise and $ 700 per month for operating costs. It turns out thatneed me (I remember working for a gym kickboxing for a year), more than I need them! I parted company with the franchise and a year later I discovered that the activity would.


The light is as a franchise, franchise or diet. You buy a proven business model, with a clear business plan, but if you pay the rent starting, there are no costs or monthly fees. You buy the system and do what you want. You can workPart-time with him full time, or add the service or product to your existing business model. I owned a detail / car manufacturer product for a few years and I would be so many "Business in a box," the possibility of information in e-mail received was not fun! It seemed different, like a good idea, but I remember two approaches are very particular that probably will not forget. One was a 'Business Auto Detailing in the trailer to', there was a ready-to-go trailer that you pull behind your car which was packedcomplete equipment details, so you could go to the customer's location and details of their vehicle. They had a high pressure cleaner, water, vacuum system, and tons of other things as well as custom graphics on the outside of this, what you advertised. Moreover, it came with marketing materials, training videos, business cards and training (can not remember the details). All this has been available for you in this nearly $ 10k!
Another company in a box was actually a "institution"detailing the devices (pressure washers, buffers, etc.) to buy and that you arrive at one of its places and they would teach you how to use everything and how the business market, once they were there, that you consider the fact that a certificate and a "diploma" of their training program. Then you should go home, start businesses, and they never pay a dime!

Sales companies

Distribution partnerships are a good way to get a startPart-time. There are many different marketing companies available out there other than Amway. In general, the distribution companies are multi-level marketing opportunities, although some seem more business in a box ". Personally, as this model is to start paying a small fee (usually in pairs, the hundred-dollar range) for have, and will provide training, including marketing and sales, many are doing order processing, so there is no need for products not in stock, and manyand conferences or meetings with other dealers, so you can learn new marketing techniques, find new products, and meet other traders in your area. Distribution partnerships and to perform the full range, including gourmet foods, home furnishings, auto detailing products, legal services, personal care products and many others.

The other type of marketing company is, if you want to buy products directly from manufacturers at a discounted price, and then market and sellProducts at a premium. Previously I did for a business that I had. There was nothing to it, not least, no quotas, only an order on an as needed basis. He could not believe that the retailers mark-up down to specific products. There was a particular product that I sold it again, it would sell at any price I charge, I, before I would have more of the company. I started to sell at $ 8.99US and would be a dollar, to add it to almost every month for about 6Months. People have bought it no questions asked!
Find something you are really interested, be it a product or a service, rather than the popular or the ones that promise the best commissions $ or more.

CONSULTING / ADMINISTRATION / professional service

This is a model that is very dear to my heart that loves! I have worked extensively with consultants in the course of my career. Consultants (I'll find only in this categoryas "consultants") who have expertise in one area and use hired by a client (either a company or an individual), for their knowledge and skills for a certain period of time. Consultants have been those who have worked for a company for many years, and decided by an employee of a company to a consultant for various companies for each service to go on a part-time basis, perhaps even less than 1 time per month. Other consultants have learned a valuable expertise inCollege and started as a marketing consultant, at the age of 23 years. Once again, we run the full spectrum of project manager may Consultants, Six Sigma experts, engineers, IT professionals, personal trainers, nutritional consultants, accountants / accounting, Construction Manager, Business & Career Coach, and the list continues to be. ...


Many people jumped on the train dot com the last 10 years and have made many millionaires overnight. With the popularity ofAuction sites, Yahoo  shopping and social networking sites, is intended to be something to tickle your fancy. Personally I think every small business (and big business) has an online presence, both to get the offer for sale of products or informational purposes only. I am aware of an e-business, the real Western Tumbleweeds' ", mainly sold to foreign customers. I sold a website, gas-powered blender (yes, regular kitchen blender with a gas to seepowered engine!). Another popular model is 'Registration' websites. That's where someone has a strong background and knowledge base in some areas, and for $ 4.95 per month, you can access this valuable information you've posted in a private area of ​​a website. This could field tips, sports information, game tips, etc. This could be a nice add-on to a consultant or professional service providers on the market, its customers.
You could also start doing e-commerce asDealer for a product or a service was manufactured or developed by someone else (as we have already discussed).


I could easily start a work of snow removal, grass cutting, or business, or high pressure cleaning business today for less than $ 300 for EVERYTHING. Business cards, ads and equipment. In fact, when I was in college, I thought I could either go to a fast-food business for $ 5/hr or I might use the record snowfall we had this year.I chose the latter. I recruited my roommate and a couple of classmates on an hourly basis to help, and we have a homicide. I think that our entire start-up cost was $ 50 (for two back-friendly, such as plow blades). We went door to door, has published a couple of flyers on bulletin boards in the community, and before we knew we had more work than we knew what to do. It 'been a gratifying feeling for me that I had to start shooting away. We never truly high-tech or too fancy, just the blades,Flyers and the will to succeed. Most of our companions were eating mac and cheese every day, but my partner / roommate and I would have given Pipin 'hot meals on site every night, from the choice of restaurant delivery and the best part is, we write off!


Get as much information as possible on a sector or service that you want to be and start reading through them. This is an avenue / model for you! This small script startsScratches on the surface of all that is available out there. Buy a book published by Entrepreneur magazine called The Business Opportunity Handbook, and go with them with a magnifying glass. This book is so different listed companies, could easily take a week to go through. There are franchises, distributors, business in a box, is the name that is in there! It lists contact information, Web sites, the number of locations, the initial capital required, all you need to know.

A lot of business models to choose from

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Learn to ski snow tips and tricks for teaching

!±8± Learn to ski snow tips and tricks for teaching

There are many passionate skier, who grew up skiing as young children, adults new to make me feel unable to ski. Everyone has to learn, even if it is like a child. When it comes to learning to snow ski, it is important that lessons are with a private company known reputation or resort, the ski lessons for a reasonable fee for the search. Learn to ski requires effort and practice, but with perseverance, will rustle bunny slopes and the purpose for savingSlopes in no time.

While learning to ski, the best lessons are those listed in one of the many famous ski areas. Snow skiing is their business and often the best of the best instructors are staff in these places. In ski resorts, you can choose between private or group ski lessons ski lessons. If funds permit and circumstances, learning to ski Snow offers many lessons through a suite at one time with the teacher available to help in practice.Here are some things you should look for in private ski lessons:

Would you rather be the teacher male or female? This does not mean that it is discriminatory, if you prefer a male or female trainer. It 'important that you learn easily, like snow and skiing with the master suite, so choose one that will do well. Want to learn quickly and hit the slopes with abandon or slow you want? Some teachers will teach you soon,You get on the track, but certainly in a hurry as they are by ready to help. Other teachers more time to prepare and practice moves before you ever meet the road. In both directions can be effective and safe is a matter of personal preference and bravado. Finally, you should check and review the status of a ski instructor. While relying on cross-country teacher recruitment in doing so, it is still a good idea to ask when you want to registerlessons to learn how to snow ski. Knowing your private teacher to help ease your fears and qualified as a beginning skier.

Learn to ski snow is something to fight for what many do, to enjoy the outdoors fresh air during the cold snowy winter. Nature lovers will find a way, in the open air every season. With so many stations and passionate skiers, skiing is a pastime in which the time to spend with family and friends and meet new colleaguesSkiers as well.

Learn to ski snow tips and tricks for teaching

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

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!±8± MACK Granite Snow Plow Truck

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